Curriculum Vitae
Harriette Rosen Mogul MD MPH
Preferred Email: [email protected]
LICENSURE: New York State (#104864), 1966
1994-96: Fellow, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Westchester County Medical Center, Valhalla, N.Y.
1988-92: Columbia University School of Public Health, New York, NY. M.P.H. (Epidemiology) 1992
1984: Columbia University School of Engineering, New York, NY. Computer Science I, Spring 1984
1966-69: Residency in Internal Medicine, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, Bronx, N. Y.
1965-66: Internship (Straight Medicine) Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, Bronx, NY.
1961-65: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY. M.D. June, 1965
1957-61: Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. B.A., cum laude (Major: Political Science, Chemistry)
2005___: Director of Research, Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism
2000-03: Founder and Director, The Obesity Research and Treatment Center, Westchester Medical Center
1996-00: Chief, Section of Osteoporosis and Obesity Research, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine.
1994-98: Director, Menopausal Health Program, New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York.
1994-98: Co-Director, Center for Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disease, New York Medical College.
1992___: Director, Women's Health Program, Department of Medicine, New York Medical College.
1992-94: Director, Women CARE (New York Medical College Faculty Practices for Women), Chief, Division of Primary Care Medicine, St. Agnes Hospital, White Plains, NY.
1985-91: Founder and Director, Barnard Institute for Women's Medical Research, Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, NY.
1971-91: Director, Student Health Services, Barnard College, New York, NY
2006___ Principal Investigator, “EMPOWIR: Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance,” an investigator- initiated, unsolicited 4-site study funded by GlaxoSmithKline with participation from The General Clinical Research Center, The Hispanic Center of Excellence, and The Menopause Center at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and The Diabetes Center of Excellence at The University of Tennessee at Memphis.
2003___ Clinical Investigator (New York Medical College site), “Hypopituitary Control and Complications Study (Protocol GDGA)” funded by Eli Lilly & Co.
2002-05 Principal Investigator, The Hyperinsulinemia Evaluation and Losartan Pilot (HELP) Study,” a Medical School Grant Award from MERCK
2001-06 Principal Investigator, “Prader-Willi Syndrome in Adults: A 4-site Study of Genotropin Treatment,” an investigator-initiated study, funded by The Pharmacia Company (with UCLA, St. Louis University, and Ohio State)
1997-2002 Clinical Investigator (New York Medical College site), “Hypopituitary Control and Complications Study” (Protocol GDEE) funded by Eli Lilly & Co.
1997-99: Principal Investigator, “The IDEA (Insulin-resistance, Diabetes, Estrogen Assessment) Study: A Randomized Clinical Trial of Transdermal vs. Oral Estrogen in Women with Type 2 Diabetes or Syndrome X, ” funded by Berlex Corporations.
1995-96: Principal Investigator, "Evaluating Glucophage in Women with PCOS and Severe Insulin Resistance,” educational grant, funded by Bristol Meyer Squibb.
1994-96: Principal Investigator, “Starting Hormone Replacement Therapy in an Inner City Hospital,” funded by The Retirement Research Foundation, Chicago, IL.
1993___: Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, New York Medical College, Associate Attending, Westchester Medical Center.
1993: Course Director, Women's Health: Prevention and Epidemiology, in the Divisions of Public Health (Prevention and Epidemiology), Graduate School for Health Sciences, New York Medical College.
1993___: Grant recipient, American Suicide Foundation. “Validation and Refinement of Models for the Prediction of Suicidal Behavior in College Students.
1990-91: Grant recipient, American Suicide Foundation (Dept. of Psychiatry, Columbia University). The Relationship between DSM-III-R based Bulimia and Suicidal Behaviors in College Women.
1988-91: Principal Investigator, Collaborative College Student Suicide Prevention Project (in collaboration with Harvard, the Universities of Chicago and Rochester, Wellesley and Barnard), funded by Pew Memorial Trusts.
1975___: Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics (Adolescent Medicine), Columbia University; Assistant Attending, Presbyterian Hospital, New York City
1974-82: Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY. Attending, Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center.
1971-88: Clinical Assistant with Courtesy Privileges in Medicine, St. Luke's Hospital Center, New York City.
Mogul HR, Freeman R, Nguyen K. Metformin Sustained Weight Loss and Reduced Android Fat Tissue at 12 Months in EMPOWIR (Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance): A Double blind, Placebo-controlled, Randomized Trial of Normoglycemic Women with Midlife Weight Gain. Endocrine Practice (in press).
Mogul HR, Freeman R, Nguyen K, Frey M, Klein LA, Jozak S, Tanenbaum K. Carbohydrate modified diet & insulin sensitizers reduce body weight & modulate metabolic syndrome measures in EMPOWIR (enhance the metabolic profile of women with insulin resistance): a randomized trial of normoglycemic women with midlife weight gain. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 26;9(9):e108264. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0108264. 2014.
Mogul HR, Freeman R, Hantash FX. Long-term hormonal adaptations to weight loss. New England Journal of Medicine. 2012 Jan 26;366(4):381-2
Mogul HR, Lee PDK, Whitman B, Zipf WB, Frey M, Myers SE, Cahan M, Pinyerd B, Southren AL. Growth Hormone Treatment of Adults with Prader Willi Syndrome and Growth Hormone Deficiency Improves Lean Body Mass, Fractional Body Fat, and Serum Triiodothyronine Without Glucose Impairment: Results From The US Multi-Center Trial, Jnl of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 93(4): 1238-1245, 2008, cited in “Research Highlights,” Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Palamara KL, Mogul HR, Peterson SJ, Frishman WH. Obesity, New Perspectives and Pharmacotherapies. Cardiology Review, 14(5):238:258, 2006.
Mogul HR, Lee PDK, Whitman B, Zipf WB, Frey M, Myers SE, Cahan M, and Pinyerd B. NAASO Hot Topics. Preservation of Insulin Sensitivity and Paucity of Metabolic Syndrome Symptoms in Prader Willi Syndrome Adults: Preliminary Data from the US Multi-Center Study. Obesity Research 12:171, 2004 (abstract).
Mogul HR, Peterson SJ, Weinstein BI, Li J, Southren AL. Long-term (2-4 year) weight reduction with metformin plus carbohydrate-modified diet in euglycemic, hyperinsulinemic, midlife women (Syndrome W) Heart Disease 5(6):384-392, 2003.
Mogul HR, Conover CA, Lee PDK, Weinstein BI, Frey M, Zhang S, Li J, and Southren AL.
Interleukin-6 activation of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 and diminished bone mineral density: epidemiologic and molecular perspectives. (abstract) Growth Hormone and IGF Research 12 (4):298, 2002.
Mogul HR, Weinstein BI, Mogul DB, Peterson SJ, Zhang S, Frey M, Gambert SR, Southren AL. Syndrome W: A new model of hyperinsulinemia, hypertension and midlifeweight gain in healthy women with normal glucose tolerance. Heart Disease 4(2):78-85, 2002
Mogul HR, Peterson SJ, Weinstein BI, Zhang S, Southren AL. Metformin and carbohydrate-modified diet, a novel obesity treatment protocol: preliminary findings from a case series of non-diabetic women with midlife weight gain and hyperinsulinemia. Heart Disease 3(5):285-292, 2001. cited in Reuter’s (November 2, 2001), Medscape, Diabetes and Endocrinology (November 12, 2001).
Mogul HR, Southren AL, Zhang S, Medhi M. Prader-Willi Syndrome in adults. The Endocrinologist 10:65S-70S, 2000.
Mogul HR, Rau J, Weinstein BI, Zhang S, Peterson SJ: New Perspectives on Diagnosis and
Treatment of Obesity. Heart Disease 1(5):295-304, 1999.
Mogul HR. OP-ED (invited editorial): Preventing Fractures Among People with Developmental Disabilities. West Jnl of Medicine 171:77-78, 1999.
Peterson SJ, Karmen CL, Kaur S, Warshafsky S, Behar C, Montuori G, Zelicof S, and Mogul HR. Osteoporosis, understanding prevention and treatment strategies. American Jnl of Med & Sports 1:84-88, 1999.
Mogul HR, Weinstein BI, Mogul D: Syndrome W: a New Link between Hyperinsulinemia and CAD Risk Factors in Non-diabetic, Obese, Midlife Women. Am J Hypertension 12:71A, 1999 (abstract).
Cohen A, Lancman M, Mogul H, Marks S, Smith C. Strategies to Protect the Older Patient with Epilepsy. Geriatrics 52:70-81, 1997.
Mogul HR, Marshall MM, Frey M, Burke HB, Wynn PS, Wilker S, Southren AL, Gambert SR. Insulin-like Growth Factor-Binding Protein-1 as a Marker for Hyperinsulinemia in Obese Menopausal Women. Jnl Clin Endocrinol Metabol 81(12):4492-95, 1996.
Mogul HR, The Clinical Picture of Prader Willi Syndrome: Adulthood (Chapter 4.3) in Prader Willi Syndrome by Hoybe, C. Nova Science Publishers Inc, Hauppage, NY, 2013.
Frishman WH, Mogul HR, Peterson SJ. Pharmacotherapy of Obesity (Chapter 23) in Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapeutics, 3rd edition by Frishman WH and Sica DA, Cardiotext Publishing, April, 2011.
Mogul HR. Women, Weight, and the Life Cycle: Maximizing health by minimizing midlife weight gain (Chapter III, Part 3) in Power of Prevention (the American College of Endocrinology): The Complete Guide to Lifelong Nutrition, Mechanick, JI, Brett EM (editors), January, 2011.
Mogul HR. Syndrome W, A Woman’s Guide to Reversing Midlife Weight Gain (paperback, revised edition, 312 pages). M. Evans and Co, Inc., New York, July, 2010
Carrel AL, Lee PDK, Mogul HR: Growth hormone and Prader-Willi Syndrome. (Chapter 7)
in Butler MG, Lee PDK, Whitman BY (editors): Management of Prader-Willi Syndrome, Third Edition. Springer-Verlag, New York, 201-241, 2005
Mogul HR. Syndrome W, A Woman’s Guide to Reversing Midlife Weight Gain (hardcover). M. Evans and Co, Inc, New York, 2005
Mogul HR, “Medical Evaluation of Menopause” (Chapter 6), in Stewart D. Robinson G, (editors), A Clinician’s Guide to Menopause. American Psychiatric Press Inc. Washington, D.C., 1997.
Mogul HR: Sexually Transmitted Diseases Update (Chapter 13) in Sexuality: New Perspectives. Greenwood Press, Westport, Ct. 1985.
Mogul HR, Freeman R, Nguyen K. Metformin Enhanced Weight Loss in EMPOWIR (Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance): a Randomized Clinical Trial (NCT00618072) of Normoglycemic Women with Midlife Weight Gain. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, March, 2015, San Diego, CA.
Freeman R, Mogul HR, Nguyen K. Carbohydrate Modified Diet and Insulin Sensitizers Decrease Visceral Adipose Tissue at 12 Months in EMPOWIR (Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance): a Randomized Clinical Trial (NCT00618072) of Normoglycemic Women with Midlife Weight Gain. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, March, 2015, San Diego, CA.
Poste J, Mogul HR. Could Metformin Have a Role in Marfan Syndrome? The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, March, 2015, San Diego, CA.
Mogul HR, Freeman R, Klein L, Frey F, Scherer PE. Modulation of Leptin to Adiponectin Ratio in EMPOWIR (Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance): a Randomized Clinical Trial (NCT00618072) of Normoglycemic Women with Midlife Weight gain, Waist Gain, and White –coat Hypertension (Syndrome W). The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2014, Chicago, IL.
Bakerywala S, Poste J, Angulo M, and Mogul HR. Prader Willi Syndrome Revisited: A Case Report of a Phenotype of PWS with Multiple Genetic Defects Detected by Microarray Analysis. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2014, Chicago, IL.
Mogul HR, Freeman RG, Cruikshank G, Frey M. Carbohydrate Diet and Insulin Sensitizers Lower Ghrelin in EMPOWIR (Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance) – a randomized clinical trial (NCT00618071) of normoglycemic, hyperinsulinemic women with midlife weight gain selected for an oral featured presentation at The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2013, San Francisco, CA.
Bhat N, Mogul HR, Freeman R, Hantash FM, Klein L, Cruikshank, Frey M, Greenbaum, R Jozak S, Tanenbaum K. Insulin Sensitizers Modulate IGFBP-1 in EMPOWIR (Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance) - a Randomized Clinical Trial (NCT00618071) of normoglycemic hyperinsulinemic women with midlife weight gain. Selected for poster presentation at The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2013, San Francisco, CA.
Mogul HR, Freeman R, Hantash FM, Klein L, Cruikshank, Frey M, Greenbaum, R Jozak S. Insulin Sensitizers Modulate IGFBP-1 in EMPOWIR (Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance) - a Randomized Clinical Trial (NCT00618071) of normoglycemic hyperinsulinemic women with midlife weight gain. The Fifth International Congress of the Growth Hormone Research Society and the IGF Society, October, 2012, Munich.
Freeman R, Mogul HR, Jozak S, Tanenbaum K,, Frey M, Cruikshank G. The prevalence of hyperinsulinemia or insulin resistance in women with midlife weight gain: Baseline data from EMPOWIR (Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance) presented at The National Association of Menopause (NAMS) annual meeting, Orlando, FL, 2012.
Mogul HR. Freeman RF, Scherer P, Frey M, Hantash FM, Greenbaum R, Jozak S, Klein L, Tanenbaum K. Carbohydrate Modified Diet and Insulin Sensitizers Reduce Fasting Insulin and Body Weight, Modulate Measures of the Metabolic Syndrome and improve Adipokines in EMPOWIR (Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance) a Randomized Clinical Trial (NCT00618971) of Normoglycemic, Hyperinsulinemic Women with Midlife Weight Gain. Selected for oral presentation at the Clinical Trials Symposium, The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2012. cited in Meeting Coverage in Endocrine Today, August, 2012.
Mogul HR. Freeman RF, Frey M, Greenbaum R, Jozak S, Klein L, Tanenbaum K. Carbohydrate Modified Diet and insulin sensitizing medications reduce body weight and fasting insulin in the EMPOWIR (Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance) Trial. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2011.
Mogul HR. Freeman RF, Klein L, Williams-Cleaves B, Cruikshank G, Frey M. Greenbaum R, Johnson K, Jozak S, Samanta M, Tanenbaum K. Weight Reduction with a Novel Carbohydrate Modified Diet in 52 study subjects in the EMPOWIR trial. The Endo Society Annual Meeting, June, 2010.
Mogul HR. Freeman RF, Klein L, Williams-Cleaves B, Cruikshank G, Frey M. Greenbaum R, Johnson K, Jozak S, Samanta M, Tanenbaum K. EMPOWIR: Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance: Carbohydrate Modified Diet Alone and in Combination with metformin or metformin plus rosiglitazone in non-diabetic women with midlife weight gain and documented insulin elevations (Syndrome W). Assessment of the dietary intervention in 40 study subjects. The Obesity Society Annual Meeting, October, 2009.
Mogul HR, Boradia C, Frey M, Weiss I, L-dopa Revisited: Performance Characteristics of L-dopa
in the Evaluation of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2009.
Mogul HR, Peterson SJ, Frey M, Long-Term Metformin & Carbohydrate Modified Diet Sustains Weight Loss and Risk Factor Modification in Non-Diabetic Men. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2008.
Khalfin A, Mogul H. Pituitary Macroadenoma Presenting as Progressive Refractory Weight Gain Due
to Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency. AACE Annual Meeting, April, 2008.
Mogul HR, Lee PDK, Whitman BY, Zipf WB, Frey M, Myers S. Pinyerd B, Southren AL, Tri-iodothyronine Abnormalities and Modulation with Growth Hormone in Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS) Adults: Results From The US Multi-Center Trial. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2007.
HR Mogul, Frey M, Li, J Syndrome W Revisited: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Diagnostic Markers of Insulin Resistance in Self-referred Normoglycemic, Hyperinsulinemic Women with Midlife Weight Gain.. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2007.
Mogul HR, Lee PDK, Whitman BY, Zipf WB, Frey M, Myers S. Pinyerd B, Southren AL, Growth Hormone Improves Lean Body Mass without Glucose Impairment in Diverse Growth Hormone Deficient Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS) Adults: Results From The US Multi-Center Trial. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2006.
PDK Lee, B Whitman, HR Mogul, Growth Hormone in PWS, Oral Symposium: Advances in Growth Hormone Replacement, The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June 2005.
HR Mogul, PDK Lee, B Whitman, W Zipf, M Frey, SE Myers, M Cahan, B Pinyerd. Normal Adiponectin Levels Characterize Preservation of Insulin Sensitivity and Paucity of Metabolic Syndrome Symptoms in Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS) Adults: Results from the US Adult Multi-Center Study, The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2005.
HR Mogul, PDK Lee, B Whitman, W Zipf, M Frey, SE Myers, M Cahan, B Pinyerd. The Paradox of Prader Willi Syndrome - Preservation of Insulin Sensitivity and Paucity of Metabolic Syndrome Symptoms despite Obesity and Growth-hormone deficiency in PWS Adults from The US Multi-Center Study. Oral presentation, Symposium: Advances in Growth Hormone Replacement, The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2004.
HR Mogul, SJ Peterson, BI Weinstein, AL Southren. Prodromes: Is there a Pre-Metabolic Syndrome in Men with Midlife Weight Gain? Early Manifestations of the Metabolic Syndrome in Obese Non-Diabetic Men Attending a Weight Management Program. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2004
S Charatz, N Anderson, W Lee, HR Mogul. A New Approach to a Complex Condition: Exploring the Link between Hyperinsulinemia and Fasting Insulin, presented at The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2004.
S Charatz, N Anderson, W Lee, HR Mogul. Searching for a marker: Using fasting insulin as an indicator of hyperinsulinemia, presented at The American College of Physicians Annual Meeting, April, 2004.
HR Mogul, PDK Lee, B Whitman, W Zipf, M Frey PhD. SE Myers, M Cahan, B Pinyerd. Preservation of insulin sensitivity & paucity of metabolic syndrome symptoms in Prader Willi Syndrome adults: preliminary data from the US multi-center Study, presented under “Hot Topics”, at NAASO (National Association for the Advancement of Studies of Obesity) Annual Meeting (co-sponsored by the ADA). October, 2003.
HR Mogul, W Lee, BI Weinstein, M Frey, S Wilker, AL Southren, SJ Peterson. Occult Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency and Obesity: Prevalence, Presentation, and Predictors from an Obesity Treatment Program. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2003.
HR Mogul, SJ Peterson, BI Weinstein, J Li, AL Southren. Long-Term (2-5 Year) Weight Reduction with Metformin and Carbohydrate-Modified Diet in Euglycemic, Hyperinsulinemic, Midlife Women (Syndrome W): Novel Outcomes from Novel Treatments. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2003.
Mogul HR, Conover CA, Lee PDK, Weinstein BI, Frey M, Zhang S, Li J, Southren AL. Interleukin-6 Activation of Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 and Diminished Bone Mineral Density: Epidemiologic and Molecular Perspectives. Annual Joint Meeting International IGF-1 Research Society and Growth Hormone Research Society. October, 2002.
Mogul HR, Lee W, Sanalkumar N, Weinstein BI, Zhang S, Latterman N, Martin C, Chien P, Southren AL, Peterson SJ. The Endocrinopathy of Obesity: Correlate, Consequence or Cause? The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2002.
Sanalkumar N, Mogul HR, Lee W, Chien P, Frey M, Southren AL, Peterson SJ. Prevalence and Potential Implications of Undetected Thyroid Abnormalities in a Population of Obese Patients. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2002.
Mogul HR, Weinstein BI, Lee W, Zhang S, Sanalkumar N, Southren AL, Peterson SJ. Syndrome W (hyperinsulinemia in non-diabetic women with midlife weight gain): A Validation Study in non-white women from an ethnically and economically diverse population. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June, 2002.
Mogul HR, Weinstein BI, Mogul DB, Zhang S, Frey M, Southren AL and Peterson SJ. Syndrome W - hyperinsulinemia in euglycemic women with midlife weight gain: derivation and validation studies for another variant of the metabolic syndrome. Oral presentation in Symposium, Human Aspects of Obesity at The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 2001 cited in Science News, October, 2001.
Mogul HR, Lee W, Zhang S, Weinstein BI, Southren AL and Peterson SJ. Reduction of weight and waist circumference and modification of coronary risk factors with Metformin and carbohydrate-modified diet in non-diabetic men with midlife weight gain and hyperinsulinemia. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 2001, cited in Science News, October 2001.
Mogul HR, Lee W, Weinstein BI, Zhang S, Frey M, Southren AL and Peterson SJ. Sex differences in glucose impairment, AUC-insulin and HOMA-R and their relationship to hypertension in healthy subjects with midlife weight gain. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 2001.
Anderson N, Lee W, Mogul HR. The Clinical Utility of fasting insulin in the diagnosis of hyperinsulinemia. American College of Physicians (ACP), New York State (Upstate Division) Annual Meeting, 2001. Awarded First Prize in Residents Research Poster Competition.
Mogul HR, Peterson SJ, Weinstein BI, Zhang S and Southren AL. Weight reduction and sustained weight loss with metformin and carbohydrate modified diet in the treatment of non-diabetic women with midlife weight gain and hyperinsulinemia. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 2000. cited in Internal Medicine News,, page 4: Jancin B, “Sustained Weight Loss: Metformin for Midlife Spread in Women” August 8, 2000. Family Practice News, and The Pharmacist’s Newsletter, October, 2000.
Mogul HR, Weinstein BI, Zhang S, Okada M, Frey M, Wilker S, Peterson SJ and Southren AL. Insulin like growth factor-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1): serial measurements and response to treatments and body weight changes in healthy midlife subjects. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 2000.
Mogul HR, Blum A, DaMore MB, Weinstein BI, Zhang S, Southren AL and Noto R. Prevalence and implications of hyperinsulinemia among non-diabetic obese adolescents evaluated in a community pediatric practice. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 2000.
Mogul HR, Weinstein B, Mogul D. Syndrome W: A new model of hyperinsulinemia, hypertension and other CAD risk factors in healthy midlife women with normal glucose tolerance. American Society for Hypertension Annual Meeting, 1999. cited in Internal Medicine News, pages 1-2: Goldman E, ‘Syndrome W’ Flags Insulin Resistance in Perimenopause: Abdominal weight gain, white coat hypertension characterize the disorder. Page 2: Recognizing Syndrome W, July 1, 1999.
Mogul HR, Mogul DB, Weinstein BI, Reddy P, Zhang S, Southren AL. Healthy obesity in women: Metabolic oxymoron or medical oddity? Evidence for the predictive value of hyperinsulinemia on CAD risk factors. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 1999.
Mogul HR, Weinstein BI, Frey M, Zhang S, Wilker S, Southren AL. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) as a diagnostic serum marker for BMD and screening test for osteoporosis. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 1999.
Mogul HR, Weinstein BI, Wynn PS, Karmen C, Frey M, Buddala S, Mogul DB, Southren AL: Metformin in the Treatment of Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Hyperinsulinemic, Non-Diabetic Women with Syndrome W. The Endocrinology Society Annual Meeting, 1998.
Mogul HR, Wynn PS, Frey M, Buddala S, Carosella C, Weinstein BI, Wilker S, Mogul DB. Weight Gain in Menopause: The Role of Estrogen Replacement and Other Factors. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 1998.
Mogul HR, Peterson S, Mogul DB, Weinstein BI, Wynn PS, Frey M. Syndrome W (Hyperinsulinemia, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Truncal Obesity) in Non-Diabetic Men: Patient Characteristics and Response to Treatment with Metformin. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 1998.
Mogul HR, Seghal P, Frey M, Reichman M, Wynn PS, Wilker S, Marshall M, and Southren AL: Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 Elevations in Patients With Severe Osteoporosis and Wasting Syndromes. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 1997.
Mogul HR, Gambert S, Marshall M, Frey M, Reichman M, Wynn PS, Wilker S, and Southren AL: The Hyperinsulinemia/Insulin Resistance Syndrome, Syndrome W: A New Variant of the Metabolic Syndrome In Obese Non-Diabetic Midlife Women. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 1997.
Reichman M, Mogul HR, Frey M, Wynn PS, Wilker S, Marshall, M, Gambert SR and Southren AL:
Bone Mineral Density, Obesity, Hyperinsulinemia and IGFBP-1 in Women. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, 1997.
Mogul HR, Silverman MM: Characteristics of Pre-college Students with DSM-III-R based Bulimia. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, 1991.
Silverman MM, Mogul HR: Panic Disorder, Depression and Suicidal Behaviors: An Analysis of Pre-college Student Responses to a Comprehensive Health History Questionnaire. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, 1991.
Keynote speaker, EMPOWIR (Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance): New Perspectives for Reversing Midlife Weight Gain)- Alumni Day Scientific Conference – with CME through Einstein
Invited Speaker, Osteopenia in a 53-year-old male with Marfan Syndrome – New England Bone Club conference) – multiple sponsors; CME through University of New Hampshire
Curbing Obesity. Implications and applications from EMPOWIR: Enhance the Metabolic Profile of Women with Insulin Resistance. Endocrine Grand Rounds, St Luke’s Roosevelt Medical Center, New York City
Curbing Obesity: New Paradigms, Old Hypotheses, speaker, TED Conference, IBM, Watson Center
The Insulin Hypothesis: Clinical Applications and Public Health Implications, Syndrome W and EMPOWIR, Medical Grand Rounds, Philippine General Hospital, Manila, Philippines,
“Growth Hormone induced BMD Changes in Prader Willi Syndrome from the US Multicenter Trial (case study), New England Bone Club, Portsmouth, ME.
“Comparative Interventions” in Growth Hormone in PWS, Clinical Care Guidelines Workshop, October 3-6, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
“Syndrome W: Identifying and Modifying Insulin Resistance in Non-diabetic Midlife Women,” Medical Grand Rounds, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, 2009.
“Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency: New Perspectives and Old Controversies” Endocrine Rounds, Division of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, 2008.
“The Syndrome W Story: Identifying and Modifying Insulin Resistance in Normal Glycemic Mid-Life Women,” D-Cure Annual Symposium (sponsored by Mt Sinai School of Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center, and Albert Einstein College of Medicine), June, 2008, “New Approaches in Diabetes Research,” New York Academy of Medicine, NY, 2008.
“New Concepts in Metabolism and Obesity: Identifying and Modifying Insulin Resistance Disorders in Primary Care Patients, Updates in Primary Care Symposium, Westchester Medical Center, 2008.
“Adult Prader Willi Syndrome,” featured speaker at Annual Investigators Meeting for KIGS and KIMS (The Kabi International Growth Study), Honolulu, Hawaii, 2008.
“The Syndrome W Story.” Grand Rounds, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Mt Sinai Medical Center, NY, 2008.
“Office Management of Obesity, Integrating Novel Therapies and Traditional Perspectives,” Symposium on Bariatric Surgery, Westchester Medical Center, March, 2008.
“Metabolic Syndrome in Children,” Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics Westchester Medical Center, 2008.
Williams Syndrome,” New England Bone Club, York Harbor, ME, 2007
“Growth Hormone: New Perspectives”, Grand Rounds, Department of Neurology, New York Medical College, 2007
“Prader Willi Syndrome in Adults,” featured speaker, Annual Investigators Meeting for KIMS (The Kabi International Metabolic Study), Palm Beach, Florida, 2006.
Syndrome W” A Woman’s Guide to Reversing Midlife Weight Gain, Women’s Health
Conference. Stamford Hospital.
“Update on Metabolic Syndrome,” (with Dr. Michael Bergman), Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, New York Medical College
“Growth Hormone Deficiency: Non-traditional mechanisms,” Grand Rounds, Department of Neurology, New York Medical College
“Syndrome W – Identification and Treatment,” Weekly Scientific Series, Regeneron, Elmsford, New York
“Syndrome W”, Grand Rounds, Dept. of Pediatrics, Our Lady of Mercy
Medical Center, Bronx, NY.
“Prader-Willi Syndrome in Adults,” PWS Advisory Board Meeting, Houston, Texas.
“Prader Willi Syndrome in Adults,” Scientific Symposium, Annual Meeting, Prader Willi Syndrome USA, Costa Mesa, CA.
“Osteoporosis in a 34 Year Old Estrogen-Replete Female with Anorexia”, New England Bone Club, York Harbor, ME.
"Osteoporosis in a Woman with Testicular Feminization Syndrome," New England Bone Club, York Harbor, ME.
"Prader Willi Syndrome," Symposium at The International IGF-1 Meeting, Monaco.
"Growth Hormone: New Perspectives," Grand Rounds, Dept of Neurosurgery, New York Medical College.
"Prader-Willi Syndrome in Adults," Scientific Symposium at National Prader Willi Society Meeting, San Diego, CA.
“Osteoporosis” Grand Rounds Department of Medicine, Good Samaritan Hospital, Suffern, NY
“Osteoporosis,” Grand Rounds Department of Ob-Gyn, Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, Bronx, NY.
“Osteoporosis,” Grand Rounds Department of Medicine, Nyack Hospital, Nyack, N.Y.
“Growth Hormone in Adults”, Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla, NY.
“Osteoporosis”, Grand rounds, Eastview Hall, Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla, NY.
“Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 (IGFBP-1) as a Diagnostic marker for Hyperinsulinemia: Revisiting its Diagnostic Accuracy and Regulation in Adults through Serial Measurements” Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla, NY.
“Theirs, Hers and Ours: Implication of the Clinical Trials E.R.T. on Coronary Disease Outcome”, Grand Rounds, Department of Cardiology, Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla, NY.
“Growth Hormone in Adults,” Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, Brookdale Hospital, Brooklyn, N.Y.
“Heart Disease and the Insulin Hypothesis: New Syndromes, New Perspectives, and New Interventions for Preventions”, Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, New York Medical College.
“Severe Osteoporosis Associated with the Generalized Wasting Syndrome”, New England Bone Club Meeting.
“The Evolving Role of Transdermal Delivery,” Massachusetts Medical Society Dinner Meeting, Springfield, MA.
“Estrogen Replacement: The Evolving Role of Transdermal Delivery”, Grand Rounds, Dept. Of Ob-Gyn, St. Vincent’s Medical Center, Bridgeport, CT.
“Estrogen Replacement Therapy: New Options”, Grand Rounds, Department of Ob-Gyn, Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport, CT.
“Estrogen Replacement: The Evolving Role of Transdermal Delivery”, Grand Rounds, Department of Ob-Gyn, Waterbury Hospital, Waterbury, CT
“Menopause, Update on Hormonal Therapies” Grand Rounds, Vassar Brothers Hospital, Poughkeepsie, NY.
“Diabetes and Women,” Dutchess County Medical Society Monthly Meeting.
“Biochemical Markers of Bone Disease,” Annual Upstate New York State Meeting, Association of Clinical Chemists, Cooperstown, NY.
“Biochemical Markers of Metabolic Bone Disease,” Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, Montefiore Hospital, Bronx, NY.
“Osteoporosis: Update on Diagnosis and Therapy.” Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, Bronx, NY.
"Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes and Women: Epidemiology, Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Therapy Considerations," Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, Mt. Vernon Hospital, Mt. Vernon, NY.
"Update in Osteoporosis," Grand Rounds, Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, Bronx, N.Y.
"Osteoporosis: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment," Grand Rounds Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Rochester (Genesee Hospital),
Rochester, NY.
"Case Presentation: Severe Osteoporosis in Down's Syndrome," Annual Meeting, New England Bone Club".
"Osteoporosis: A Primer for Gynecologists," Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, New York Medical College.
"Menopause: Interpreting Research for Clinical Decision-making," Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, New York Medical College.
Symposium: Aging and Menopause. "Individualizing Care," American Society for Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology Annual Meeting
"Risk-taking Behaviors in College Students" First National Conference on Youth High Risk Behavior, Washington School of Psychiatry, Washington, DC.
"Current Issues in Women's Health," (Co-chair of Program Committee and Moderator, Panel on Women and Coronary Artery Disease), annual Downstate Scientific Meeting, The New York Chapter, American College of Physicians, New York City.
"Menopause: a new look at change of life," Pre-Conference on Women's Health, Society for General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
"Debate on A Women's Health Specialty" Joint Meeting AMWA and Committee on Women, Westchester County Medical Society.
"Bulimic Symptoms and Suicidal Behaviors in College Students," American Association of Suicidology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
"Controversies in Post-menopausal Hormonal Replacement Therapy," Moderator and Presenter, Westchester County Medical Society Meeting.
"New Therapies in Post-menopausal Hormonal Replacement," Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, New York Medical College.
"Bulimic Symptoms and Bulimic Behaviors in College Women," Conference on Suicide, Department of Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York City, NY.
"Predicting College Student Suicide: statistical models," American Association of Suicidology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
"Characteristics of Pre-college Students with DSM-III-R based Bulimia," American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
"Panic Disorder, Depression and Suicidal Behaviors: An Analysis of Pre-college Student Responses to a Comprehensive Health History Questionnaire" (with Morton Silverman M.D.), American Public Health Association Meeting.
"Self-reported Physical Disabilities and Physical Symptoms in Entering First-year College Students," American Association of Suicidology Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MA.
"College-bound Student Suicide Attempters vs. Ideators: An Analysis" (with Morton Silverman M.D.), American Association of Suicidology Annual Meeting.
"Epidemiologic Characteristics of College Students with Self-reported Eating Disorders," Seminars in Epidemiology, Columbia University School of Public Health.
"College Student Suicide," American Association of Suicidology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
"Suicide Attempters: Their Identification by Survey Instruments and their Relationship to Suicide Completers," College Student Suicide: A New Framework for Research and Prevention Conference (Chair, Planning Committee), Barnard College.
"Women's Issues in AIDS," American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
"Antibody Testing: Implications for Treatment and Prevention," AIDS and The University, sponsored by The Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York Academy of Medicine, NY
"Creating a Model AIDS Education Program on the College Campus," AIDS Seminar, Empire State College, New York, NY.
"Women at the Top, Leaders in Medicine: A Panel Discussion," American Medical Women's Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
"Chlamydia trachomatis" in "Recent Advances in Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Herpes, Chlamydia and AIDS," Westchester County Medical Society, Harrison, NY.
"Chlamydia Trachomatis Infections in College Women," New York State College Health Association Annual Meeting, Albany, NY.
"The Menstrual Syndrome: Historical Perspective and Current Developments," Issues in Women's Health Today, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA.
2007___ Reviewer, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
2007___ Editorial Board, Womens Health Newsletter, Bottom-line
2005-06: Search Committee (Alumni Association representative), Dean of the Medical School, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
2004___ Reviewer, American Journal of Medicine, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Obesity Research, International Journal of Obesity, Am Jnl of Med Genetics, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
2003___ Nutrition Committee, AACE (American Association for Clinical Endocrinology)
2003-09 Scientific Advisory Board, PWS-USA (Prader-Willi Society, USA)
2001-2004: Primary Care Committee, Westchester Medical Center
1998-2004: Library Committee, New York Medical College
1999-2001: Search Committees, Chairs Radiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, New York Medical College
1999-2001: President, National Board of Governors, Alumnae Association, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1999-2001: Member, Board of Overseers, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1997: Founding Member, Adult Endocrine Physician Advisory Board (AEPAB), Eli Lilly & Co.
1995___: Elected member, New York Medical College Faculty Senate
1995-97: Chair, Committee on Women's Health Curriculum, New York Medical College
1994-96: President, Branch 32, American Medical Women's Association
1994___: Treasurer, National Board of Governors, Alumni Association, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1994-95: Co-chair, Program Committee, 1994 New York Chapter Regional Meeting, American College of Physicians Committee on Research, American Association of Suicidology
1992-94 Scientific Advisory Board, Eastern Division, American Suicide Foundation
1989-92: Woman's Advisory Board to the County Executive, Westchester County, N.Y.
1989-90: Chair, Health and Mental Health Committee, Woman's Advisory Board
1988-90: Medical Education and Research Committee, American Medical Women's Association (National Committee)
1987-89: National AIDS Advisory Board, Girls Clubs of America, (funded, Metropolitan Life Inc.)
1988-89: Leadership Committee, American Medical Women's Association (National)
1986-87: National Task Force on AIDS, American College Health Association
1981-89: Secretary, Committee on Women, Westchester County Medical Society
2003:__: American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE)
The Obesity Society (TOS) - formerly National Association for the Advancement of the Study of Obesity (NAASO)
2002___: Growth Hormone Research Society
1997___: Somatomedin (IGF-1) Society
1997___: Endocrine Society
1995___: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
1995___: American Diabetes Association
1995___: The North American Menopause Society
1993___: Elected to membership, American College of Physicians
1993-97: Member, Society of General Internal Medicine
1990-97: Member, New York Society of Internal Medicine (American Bd. of Internal Medicine)
1989-96: Member, American Public Health Association
1965-98: American Medical Women's Association
HONORS (partial list)
2007, 2008: America’s Top Physicians, Endocrinology and Metabolism
2005: Recipient, “Woman of Achievement Award,” Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1994___: Who's Who in America?
1971___: Who's Who in American Women?
Married: Mrs. Malcolm D. Mogul, 1966
Jennifer Lynn Mogul MD:
BA 1988 Dartmouth;
MD 1994 University of Chicago (Pritzker) School of Medicine; Residency, 1995-98 University of Washington at Seattle (Pediatrics, Psychiatry);Chief Resident, General Psychiatry and Fellow, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Brown
Frederick C. Mogul,
BA 1990 Amherst College (cum laude)
Douglas B. Mogul MD MPH:
BA 1998 Bowdoin College (Bowdoin Scholar, magna cum laude); MPH (Epidemiology) 2000, U C Berkeley School of Public Health; Clinical Research Fellow, National Institutes of Health 2004-2005; MD 2006 Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Residency 2006-09, Lucille Packer Children’s Hospital, Stanford University (Pediatrics); Fellow 2009-11, Johns Hopkins University Medical Center (Pediatric Gastroenterology)
Sydney, Zachary, and Nicholas Mogul Campbell; Amelia and Jonah Mogul, Helene Teleki Mogul